Labour leader Sir Kier Starmer has pledged “the next generation of Labour new towns”, adding that his government would take inspiration from “old Labour ideas” that had spurred the creation of places like Stevenage and Milton Keynes after the second world war.
He urged Tory voters to vote Labourm
In a speech interrupted before he had even begins by a protestor, who ran onto stage & sprinkles him with glitter, as the protestor was dragged off stage, the Labour leader took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves.
“Protest or power, that’s why we changed our party”.
During a wide ranging speech he got a standing ovation when he said that he “utterly condemned ” the senseless murder of Israelis “in cold blood by the terrorists of Hamas”.
Adding that Labour believes in two state solution “but this action by Hamas does nothing for Palestinians”.
Starmer said people “look out at the chaos” and want to know if Labour can create an economy that works in their interests.
Indicating there will be no tax rises, he adds: “We should never forget that politics should treat lightly on people’s lives”.
Changing a country is not like ticking a box, he said “It’s not the click of a mouse. Long-term solutions are not ‘oven-ready’
On the NHS he said “The whole point of our NHS is to be the crowd-funded solution for all of us. That’s the fundamental principle & it’s on the line”.“ adding that adds that Labour would transform the NHS as “there is no other option” than reform.
“If all we do is place the NHS on a pedestal then I’m afraid it will remain on life support”.
Labour he said would not rip up the green belt but said that where there are “clearly ridiculous” uses of it, eg disused car parks, wasteland, more of a “grey belt”, then development should be permitted.
While addressing climate change he told the hall, “When Rishi Sunak says row back on our climate mission, I say speed ahead,
In an appeal to Tory voters he said
“If you feel our country needs a party that conserves, that fights for our union, our environment, the rule of law, family life… Then let me tell you: Britain already has one. It’s this Labour party”.