A new report from the TaxPayers’ Alliance today calls on the government to scrap the wasteful HS2 project which they say could end up costing more than £90m
The business case for HS2 has fallen apart and the scheme is already projected to be massively over its original budget. It is unlikely to be completed on schedule and there’s a significant chance that future technological developments, such as autonomous vehicles, will make it an obsolete technology years before the first train sets off for Birmingham says the right wing think tank.
The report says that HS2 is unlikely to help develop the economy of North England to the extent that has been suggested and the need for increased travel capacity could well be met by new technologies.
Jonathan Isaby, Chief Executive of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said:
“HS2 is a wasteful vanity project which is unlikely to be completed on schedule and will cost taxpayers a fortune. The new Prime Minister should now be pursuing bold and imaginative policies to boost economic growth and increase productivity – and that positive approach must include scrapping HS2, which has cost taxpayers far too much already. Ministers should instead be embarking on more worthwhile infrastructure projects that will cost less and deliver far better value.”