Salford’s housing chief is calling for MPs to back a new law to reduce homelessness.
Councillor Paul Longshaw wants MPs to support the Homeless Reduction Bill when it goes before Parliament on Friday so nobody will be refused help to find a home because they are not considered a priority.
Bob Blackman MP, backed by Crisis, are seeking the change but needs at least 100 MPs in attendance on the day or it could be blocked.
Councillor Paul Longshaw, Lead Member for Housing and Neighbourhoods at Salford City Council, said: “The rules mean we have to deal with people in priority order, such as those with children or a disability. But homes should be there for all – nobody should be turned away to the streets because they are not considered important enough.
“We need MPs to do the right thing so we can and get rid of this injustice – from which nobody benefits.
“Last 1,600 people presented themselves to the council without a home. And in the first six months of this year we placed over 250 families in temporary accommodation because there was no other option.
“The problem is getting worse as the Government has caused a reduction in front line services to help people and ended all future funding for affordable social rented housing. We have seen a 74 per cent increase in the number of people who need housing support in the past three years, with fewer staff to help. Things must change.
“Beyond this new legislation, the truth is you can’t help people that are affected by homelessness if you don’t invest sufficiently in the support services and provide the right type and amount of homes.”