During the month of Ramadan, Muslim charity The10thDay has been encouraging followers of the faith from across Greater Manchester to make food donations to the Christian food bank charity The Trussell Trust.

This is the third year that this food donation drive has taken place during the religious month, aiming to support integration between faiths. Each year the activity has grown – 677 kg was donated in the first year, and an incredible 1064 kg last year.  This year, donations are expected to be even greater, with enough food donated to feed an impressive 7,500 people in need across the region.

Food has been donated by the Muslim community at nine locations – including individual homes, workplaces and Islamic centres, as far afield as Burnley.  Donations can be made until the end of Ramadan on Friday 15th June, after which, volunteers will sort and repack the food and arrange for it to be delivered to Trussell Trust Central food bank on Oxford Road, Manchester.

Faiz Hamdani from The10thDay explains: “We are now in our third year of the Ramadan Food Drive and delighted at the scale of donations.  It’s been incredible to see the generosity of the community in Manchester.   Our charity works to build bridges; humanitarian support brings together people of many ages, backgrounds and faiths. We look forward to delivering this incredible amount of much-needed food, on Friday 22nd June.”

Karen Harrison from the Trussell Trust adds: “Each year the donation from the Muslim community, made at this special time of year, gets bigger. The10thDay is a fantastic organisation and we are hugely grateful for the work they do, not only by making this much-needed donation but also helping to bring our community together, regardless of faith or background.”

To find out how to make a last-minute donation, please call 07971 145827.  The food will be delivered to the Trust between 10 am-12 noon on Friday 22nd June


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