A landlord has been fined £7,500 for not complying with electrical safety standards at a property he owns and lets out in Radcliffe.
He failed to produce a valid Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) for the house, meaning the council’s environmental health officers could not determine whether the electrical installation was safe.
As a result, the council used their powers to undertake an EICR at the property. The installation was found to be unsatisfactory and works were required to make it safe and in line with current regulations.
Councillor Clare Cummins, cabinet member for housing services, said: “We are determined to improve standards across the private rented sector and we will exercise our powers where necessary to ensure this happens.
“People deserve to live in safe and decent homes, and this fine sends a clear message that we will not tolerate irresponsible landlords who let out substandard accommodation which puts tenants at risk.”