IPSO – the Independent Press Standards Organisation – has launched an investigation into an article published by The Sun on 17 December 2022, headlined “One day, Harold the glove puppet will tell the truth about A Woman Talking B*****ks”.
The column, by Jeremy Clarkson, was also published online on thesun.co.uk
Clarkson later apologised for the piece, describing his language as “disgraceful” and said he was “profoundly sorry”.
The Sun also apologised and said it regretted the publication of the column, which was removed online.
IPSO are taking forward complaints from two groups, The Fawcett Society and The Wilde Foundation, who said they were affected by breaches of Clause 1 (Accuracy), Clause 3 (Harassment) and Clause 12 (Discrimination) in the article.
The article, in which 62-year-old Clarkson said he hated Meghan and dreamed of her being paraded through British towns and publicly shamed, became Ipso’s most complained-about article after its publication, receiving more than 25,100 complaints.