Ambitious plans to provide housing and regenerate the former East Lancs Paper Mill site in Radcliffe have taken a significant step forward.
A formal outline planning application to build 400 homes on the brownfield site was approved this week by members of the planning control sub-committee.
Bury Council and Homes England (the Government’s housing agency), as joint landowners of the site, have developed the proposals for the vacant site.
As well as housing, the scheme proposes large areas of open space fronting onto the River Irwell, and new sports provision including the relocation of the existing cricket ground to the Tower Farm part of the site.
The scheme envisages family housing involving a mix of detached, semi-detached and terraced properties together with some apartments, including a proportion of affordable housing (subject to viability) in line with council policy.
The council and Homes England are now working on the method of redeveloping the site for housing, and hope to have a preferred developer in place by the end of autumn 2019.
Further planning applications are expected to be submitted in the coming months giving specific details of the regeneration.
Councillor Rishi Shori, leader of Bury Council, said: “We are determined to bring much-needed quality new homes to Radcliffe. This development will form an integral part of the town and will help to improve the local environment and boost the local economy.
“What’s more, it reinforces the council’s ‘brownfield first’ policy, which aims to bring back derelict and previously developed sites into much needed and sustainable use.”