Exercise classes in a pub, walking netball players, grandmothers who are gym goers and an 83-year-old half marathon runner make up just some of the physical activity stories that will be celebrated as part of Greater Manchester’s Active Ageing Week.

From 29th July to 2nd August, the spotlight will shine on the physical activities for older adults that are available all across the region.

Currently, 4 in 10 older adults (55+) in Greater Manchester are inactive. The week aims to change that by promoting physical activity within the age group and the benefits of being active.

Councillor Brenda Warrington, Portfolio Lead of Age-Friendly Greater Manchester, said: “Inactivity in later life is an issue we must address. Greater Manchester is the UK’s first region to be recognised as age-friendly by the World Health Organization and part of our age-friendly strategy is to encourage older people to get more physically and socially active. It really is never too late to start, and the Active Ageing programme makes it easier for older adults of all abilities across the region to access a wide-range of different types of activity. I encourage everyone to give it a go.”

Sara Tomkins, CEO of GreaterSport, the organisers of Active Ageing Week, said: “Being active is much more than just the physical benefits. Activity can reduce your risk of dementia by 30 per cent, improve your mental health and help with social isolation. It’s about the friendships that are made by getting out of the house and being active. We hope the week will inspire more older people to get moving, whether that’s by introducing a regular walk in the park, taking up a dance class or joining a locally organised session as part of the Active Ageing programme.”

Lucy Nield from Stockport is 69 and was referred to the gym at Leisure Life, Avondale in Stockport by her GP. For 12 years Lucy cared for her husband until he sadly passed away. For a year after she struggled to manage her weight and her own health until she began attending the gym. “Mentally and physically I had hit rock bottom. I lost everything looking after my husband,” she said. “I’ve now got my life back and I’m two midriffs lighter!” Watch a film about Lucy here.

And it’s not just in traditional gyms where exercise is happening. In Unsworth, Bury, a weekly chair-based exercise class takes place at the Bay Horse pub. Every Thursday over 20 people meet at the pub for light exercise using resistance bands and ankle weights, all while sitting down, followed by a brew and a chat.

Active Ageing Week includes an Active Ageing Workshop (1st August), where the research team from the University of Manchester will be showcasing the initial preliminary findings from the Greater Manchester Active Ageing Programme with the hope that organisations working with older adults across Greater Manchester may have a better of idea of the benefits of activity and how to include it in their lives.

For further information about joining the Active Ageing programme contact Beth Mitchell at GreaterSport at beth@greatersport.co.uk or call 0161 223 1002.


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