Scientists at Chester University are using innovative technology that turns waste plastic into electricity and low-cost hydrogen, which can be used for transport fuel.
The process takes all mixed waste plastic in an untreated unsorted contaminated form and requires no sorting or washing.
The ground breaking technology has the potential to not only create a green fuel but to clean up plastic from the world’s oceans.
The technology developed by the University and Powerhouse Energy, over several years, currently demonstrates small scale conversion of plastic to hydrogen and electricity with zero plastic remaining.
W2T are the exclusive developer in the UK and South East Asia including Japan and South Korea for the Powerhouse PLC DMG (distributes modular generation) for waste plastic to hydrogen and electricity.
W2T will soon develop a plant on the 54-acre Protos site near Ellesmere Port in Cheshire where they will produce low-cost and low-carbon hydrogen fuel and electricity which will help power the site. This is a first-of-a-kind on the site owned by Peel Environmental- part of Peel Holdings Land and Property.
W2T will then aim to roll out plants in SE Asia to clean up waste plastic and to monetise plastic via this highly efficient conversion system. This will enable W2T plants to buy in unrecyclable plastic waste in countries, such as Indonesia for $50 a ton. Therefore, dissuading the disposal of waste plastic in rivers and oceans.
Professor Joe Howe, Executive Director Thornton Energy Research Institute, University of Chester, said: “We are extremely excited to be hosting the prototype demonstrator here at the University of Chester. The technology converts all plastic waste into high quality, low carbon hydrogen syngas which can then be used to power gas engines. A by-product of this process is electricity, meaning waste plastic can not only fuel cars but can also keep the lights on at home. Surely the world must wake up to this technology. It will make waste plastic valuable with it being able to power the world’s towns and cities and most importantly it can help clean up our oceans of waste plastic now.”