The Conservatives have been facing questions over Islamophobia after the Muslim Council of Britain said their attitude was one of ‘denial, dismissal and deceit’.
Responding to the criticisms of Labour from the Jewish Chief Rabbi, a spokesman for the Council said
“As a faith community, we commonly are threatened by Islamophobia. This an issue that is particularly acute in the Conservative Party who have approached Islamophobia with denial, dismissal and deceit. It is abundantly clear to many Muslims that the Conservative Party tolerate Islamophobia, allow it to fester in society, and fail to put in place the measures necessary to root out this type of racism. It is as if the Conservative Party has a blind spot for this type of racism.
“British Muslims – whilst from the most disadvantaged communities and rarely allowed a voice in the public space – will listen to the Chief Rabbi and agree on the importance of voting with their conscience.”
The Muslim Council of Britain represents more than 500 mosques and charities
Chancellor Sajid Javid said the Conservatives take ‘hatred of any type very seriously’.