If you are looking to sell your home quickly, then it isn’t quite as simple as just getting an estate agent and putting up a sign outside your house. There are a range of things that you can do to make sure that your home is prepared for sale. When you prepare your house for sale, it will help it to sell more successfully as it will get noticed by more buyers, as well as helping it to sell faster, and help you to achieve the best price for the house. With the help of professional cash house buyer Ask Susan here are some of the things that you can do to ensure a fast and hassle free sale.
Start by decluttering
If you have ever looked around a new build showhome, you will have seen no clutter there. It makes you feel like you can move right in, and helps to show the home in the best light possible. When you keep the home clutter-free and have a minimalistic approach, it helps to lessen any distractions and helps a buyer to see the bare bones of the home and the true size of each room. If there is too much stuff, they can get put off right away and distracted by piles and piles of your things. Some of the key things to take out when you are planning to sell your home are things like piles of letters, excessive toiletries, and other things that can just accumulate in a room and don’t need to be out on display.
With a hallway, is another important area to consider, as well as any entryway to the house. Keeping these clear of shoes and coats is a good idea when there are viewings, as it is the first place that they will see. Keep things minimal and it will help sales to be much smoother.
Depersonalise your home for a quick sale
If you think about a show home again, what is it that really appeals? Of course, everything is brand new, but it is completely depersonalised as no one lives there! When you depersonalise your home, it helps viewers to imagine themselves living there, rather than only seeing photos of your wedding on the walls or photos of your children on the walls. When you depersonalise, it helps them to dream a little, and perhaps plan out things in their head of what of theirs would go where. It can be tough to do, but it is only temporary and will be worth it when you get the offer you are looking for.
Improve lighting
As any photographer will tell you, lighting is something that matters. Some homes may have a lot of windows and open space, allowing a lot of light in. But if your home is a ‘darker’ home, or the light only comes in at certain times of the day, then there are things that you can do to improve it all. If you have thick curtains then it could be worth taking them down, and raising any blinds, rather than leaving them down each day. If people are viewing at night or in winter when there is little natural light, then adding in some extra floor lamps or table lamps and having them on is a simple hack that can help to show the home in the best light possible (pun intended). Bright and light rooms look better and look more spacious, so it is definitely something to consider.
Sort out any smells
All homes have a certain smell to them, whether it is a good smell or a bad smell. Regardless, if there is something that smells a little off, then it can put people off as soon as they walk into your home. Before viewings, make sure that bins are clean and emptied. You should also clean out things like dog beds or cat litter trays. Cleaning the carpets can be a good idea too, as well as making sure that windows have been open to air out any musky scents. You could light candles, use essential oils, or even bake, to help to create a great smelling home, but it starts with having a clean home. The science behind selling homes and smells is something that is often talked about, and it can make a big difference.
Finish off small DIY jobs
There are a range of small DIY jobs that you can think about getting done, in order to make your home look finished, rather than half-done. There could be some small things like painting the fence, jet washing the drive, replacing a loose door handle, fixing a lightbulb, painting a wall, or caulking the tiles in the bathroom. If you have been thinking that you will get round to it at some point, then get round to it before you plan to sell your home.
Get inspired
Small jobs being fixed and completed can make such a difference to how a buyer sees the home. Stains and unfinished jobs can be red flags for buyers. The same thing goes for tweaks in the appearance of the home. By taking some time to think about the small details in the home, it can have a big impact on the impression given to buyers. It can be hard to see our home through a fresh pair of eyes, so it can be a good idea to look at home blogs, websites, and magazines, in order to get some ideas. Something as simple as changing your bedding and getting matching throws and cushions could help to make the bedroom look more stylish, appealing and help to sell for the best price.
Enhance kerb appeal
If your house is for sale, you don’t want someone to be put off it right away when they arrive. This is where kerb appeal comes into play. If the driveway is looking tatty, the fence is broken, a window is cracked, and the grass is overgrown, it will be seen right away and not be a good look. Make sure that the outdoor space that you have is tidied up, windows are clean, and the front door area looks inviting. They’re small jobs but will have an impact on potential buyers.