Nearly three-quarters (73%) of students and recent graduates in Manchester feel that emotional rewards in their future career are equally – or more important – than practical ones.
New research released today shows that millennials, the newest entrants to the job market, are looking for personal fulfilment in their careers with 57% wanting to feel their job is worthwhile.
The survey of over 3,000 students and graduates, for the national Get Into Teaching campaign, found that this generation are motivated by altruistic goals with 40% in Manchester wanting to make a positive contribution to society. Over a quarter (28%) are also looking for a job that will make them feel proud.
Coming of age during the recession, and the changing world of work, may have influenced Manchester-based millennials – 50% report that good job security is an important practical element of their future career, with a further 36% saying clear progression routes are a key consideration.
Given these factors, the research found that this audience view teaching as a career positively with over half (59%) feeling that being a teacher would provide more daily emotional rewards than most other careers. Moreover, over a third (40%) of current degree-level students and recent graduates in Manchester say they have experience of working with young people on a voluntary basis, and four-fifths (82%) believe they would make a good teacher. Over half (52%) of all Manchester respondents felt a teaching career would offer the opportunity to make a positive impact every day.
Commenting on the findings, Roger Pope, spokesperson for the Get Into Teaching campaign, and Chair of the National College for Teaching and Leadership, said:
“As a lifelong teacher myself, I see how young people’s attitudes and ambitions change with the generations, which is something that helps to keep the teaching profession fresh too. It’s fantastic to hear that so many students and graduates believe they would also make a good teacher.
“The research also shows that students and graduates in Manchester are looking for secure, fulfilling and impactful careers, which is why teaching should be a real consideration for them. It marries the things that this cohort cares most about: helping make a difference to other people and the world around us, whilst also allowing committed and dedicated professionals to pursue their own career goals. Pupils in school today will go on to do jobs that haven’t been invented yet, so this generation of tech-savvy, passionate graduates would do well in teaching, guiding our children and young people as they enter a world which is changing at a faster rate than we’ve ever seen.”
Furthermore, 90% of students and graduates in Manchester also believe teaching would be a fulfilling career most or all of the time, with 38% believing teaching to be in the top five jobs that make a positive impact on society.
Vanessa Wahed, a Mathematics teacher from Chorlton High School in Manchester, said:
“Teaching is a job that I’m incredibly proud to do. I worked in less rewarding jobs for around ten years but was drawn to teaching. I wanted a career that was more fulfilling and teaching ticks all the boxes – I get to inspire people in a subject I’m passionate about, it is full of emotional rewards and I feel like I’m doing something worthwhile every day. It is also a structured profession where I am supported and encouraged to develop my skills and look to progress. I would encourage anyone looking for a truly meaningful career to find about more about teaching.”
The Get Into Teaching team organises a whole calendar of online and face-to-face events where students and graduates can speak to those within the profession and find out more about the teacher training options, school experience and the benefits a career in teaching offers.
Last month the funding available to trainee candidates in a range of subjects was announced. You could get a £26,000 tax-free bursary to train as a teacher in key subjects including science, computing, geography and languages. This year candidates could get £30,000 to train to teach maths – a £20,000 tax-free bursary while training as a teacher and a further £10,000 after tax once in teaching. Alternatively, prestigious scholarships of up to £28,000 are available in priority subjects for graduates with a 2:1 or above who are passionate about their subject and have the potential to be teachers.
Applications to start teacher training in September 2018 are now open. For tailored advice and information about a career in teaching visit: or call the Get Into Teaching line on 0800 389 2500.