Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been on the phone this mornming to the Manchester United striker Marcus Rashford to tell him that the food parcels shown on Twitter this week have been “unacceptable” and that a full review of how they are supplied is taking place.
Rashford brought the issue to everyone’s attention yesterday when he tweeted pictures of totally inadequate food parcels being sent out by Companies contracted by the Government.
Earlier today the Education Secretary told a Houise of Commons committee:
“When I saw that picture I was absolutely disgusted. As a dad myself, I thought how could a family in receipt of that really be expected to deliver five nutritious meals as required. It’s just not acceptable.
It has been made absolutely clear to Chartwells, and to the whole sector, that that sort of behaviour is just not right. It will not be tolerated. We will not live with that. There are clear standards that they need to deliver against, and if they do not deliver against them actions will have to be taken.”
Earlier the Health Secretary told Good Morning Britain that the companies providing the packages have to ‘up their game’ and that he wants to see ‘good, high quality food.’