A scheme aimed at tackling financial and social exclusion amongst Manchester’s private renters has enjoyed a successful launch in the city. Credit Ladder’s unique programme, established in association with Experian and the Rental Exchange, helps boost a tenants credit rating by recording their rent payments on their credit file.
This means thousands of Manchester’s tenants are now able to build their credit score, potentially allowing them access to financial products including mortgages, on more favourable terms. This can eventually help the renter make the transition from tenant to homeowner.
Credit Ladder’s Managing Director, Asa Bentley, explained: “The Rental Exchange was conceived as an idea to help tenants in social housing. But, at Credit Ladder, we wanted to bring the same benefits to the private rented sector. We are delighted to be the first to offer this service to private tenants.”
Tenants not registered with Credit Ladder receive no benefit from paying their rent on time whereas mortgage payments are always recorded on credit files. It was this anomaly which prompted Credit Ladder to launch their free service. Mr Bentley said: “Tenants across the city are paying their rent on time, yet not building any more credit as a result.
“The average tenant pays nearly half of their income in rent and we thought it important they be rewarded for this”.
Since Credit Ladder was launched in March 2016 the response from both landlords and tenants has been overwhelming. Mr Bentley said: “It is so exciting that many private renters from Manchester have registered with us. The reaction to our service has been beyond our expectations with the number of renters signing up to the scheme 50% up on our pre-launch forecasts..
“We believe the response to the scheme shows there is a real appetite amongst renters to receive the same recognition for paying their rent on time as homeowners do for making their monthly mortgage payment.”