YIPPEE – I have my Mojo back! To be fair, I hadn’t realised it was missing until it came back. I honestly feel at least 10 years younger, have more energy and was even really pleased with the headshot photo I needed for my new job that Dave took on his new Samsung phone.
Well, that was until I ran it through an age guessing app and it estimated I was 67. I’m only 50 – FFS! So much for fresh faced and looking good – I just couldn’t let it lie, could I! At least I lost 3.5 pounds this week too so I am definitely getting my shizzle together again.
I went back to work properly this week and did fourfull days in the office with one at home. The job itself is really interesting, the people are lovely so far, it’s only 25 minutes drive, I can park on-site for now, smart trainers are allowed, I’m convinced it will be good fun but the only thing I’m not loving is physically being in the office with real people.
The prospect of “hot desking” terrifies me as I will, once again, be relying on other people doing their bit too and, as we have discovered during lockdown, other people are just not to be trusted. Well, in my humble opinion and that’s all that counts when it comes to my safety.
There have been a few video calls and I noticed there are a lot of beautiful “Cheshire-set” women so I might have to up my game and get golden blonde hair extensions, a healthy tan and a shot of Botox or two. Maybe then I will look less than 67 and more like the 42 I was hoping for – who knows! The other alternative I’ve come up with is to sack the video calls all together and just use the phoneinstead!
I had a really good conversation with one of my besties about Imposter Syndrome and how women, in general, feel the burden of responsibility of the job expectations and the title whereas men, in general, have more of a “Devil may care” attitude and we’ll deal with it if it becomes an issue.
This makes perfect sense to me and I have seen many examples of this over the years and it explains much about my behaviour. I then read a great article on how as women get older and our oestrogen starts to run out, we become more and more intolerant. Aaah, so that’s what is happening to me and why my tolerance levels are massively lower than they have ever been before. Watch out world – here I come – LOL!
As I’d been surprisingly good this week food wise, I decided to treat myself to a relatively healthy take away on Friday night with – drumroll, please – carbs. Oh, my oestrogen must have been flat liningafter all the delicious rhubarb vodka as I was so cross when I realised the disastrous Deliveroodelivery bore no resemblance to what I ordered.
I hope the size 0 person enjoyed the pitta bread with cheese & pineapple. The refund went straight into my account at the press of a complaint button, which was fantastically quick, but I just wanted the correct Friday night treat. I will have to wait a week as that was my only allowance this week. Boo hoo!
I’m not sure if it is all this thunder or just the onset of Autumn but the spiders are a comin’ – AAARRRGGGHHH. I’ve seen a couple of whoppers in the lounge this week with legs that make them move like the clappers. Get your horse chestnuts out of your conkers at the ready as soon as you can to keep them at bay. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!
My list: The SkyQ fest continues and our binging this week has included Sex Education (funny and a bit sad all at the same time but covers some great topics if you can ignore the cringe-worthy teenage sex); Ozark season 2 (I can cope with this drugs story now that I’ve finished Queen of the South); Ghosts (I chuckled away but Dave thought it was a one trick show); and The Good Place (I’m really enjoying it with all the afterlife nonsense).
I finally finished my book – The Girl in the Ice by Robert Bryndza – and awarded it 5 stars. Spoiler alert: I’m usually rubbish at guessing and true to form, I had it all wrong as it wasn’t the dad. I’ve added the 2nd book in this series to my birthday list.
My lowlight: Along with everyone else, the majority of our trips have been cancelled this year and certainly any that involve more than our household are a big no no right now. We have a regular trip in December that is the highlight of the year with our very special group of friends and the payment balance is due in a few weeks time. The 8 of us – 4 raucous couples – rent a big house in the middle of nowhere to mask the noise. We have a great Christmas doo but it is really difficult to see how we can move from where we are to four separate households mingling without social distancing in one property any time soon.
The company, via a 12 year old in a contact centre, has told us that we can only have a refund if it is illegal but how do we know what to do when we have no idea if the rules are going to change tomorrow? Me thinks this one will rumble on a bit but we may end up having to cancel much earlier than we’d want to and think of a Plan B. What a great big disappointment and who knows what the actual Christmas Day will look like this year.
My highlight: I gave my dad my old i-phone X when my contract was up a while ago but, due to lockdown, it has taken ages to get him to the stagehe is able to transfer over. We thought we had solved everything but I needed to talk to O2 to sort it out and I was dreading it as last time it took hours.
When I finally had a 3-hour window, just in case, I called O2 and it took 5 minutes. AMAZING and I have managed to do something lovely for my dad. It also means mum can have his old i-phone 7 but I bet she still doesn’t use it!
All things considered, and despite all the worrying trends, week 21 has been the most positive and stress free one for a while. I can’t believe that we are hurtling towards half a year in lockdown. I originally thought I’d be doing this diary for 3 months maximum but it could go on until next year at this rate.