Oh dear, the delivery from Marks & Spencer‘s is still in the DMZ after three days. Oopsy! It’s not because it is having extra special quarantine but because it has just become part of the fabric of our home. I can’t even claim that I’m so busy to unpack it – I’m just in the lockdown rut!
The funniest comment I read today was: “As men are more vulnerable to COVID-19, has anyone considered letting women and children out of lockdown first? We could run the country for a few weeks and see how things go while men stay at home baking banana bread and clapping”.
I know it is a bit sexist – well, a lot really! – but it did make me chuckle. It also reminded me of an old-fashioned letter to the editor of Viz from my student days way back when.
My List: I had no energy to read my book so just vegged out in front of the TV. I can’t even tell you what I watched as it all went over my head – how ridiculous is that! I think that all the days are now merging into one as we have got into the lockdown groove. I’m not miserable or overly stressed but think this is the definition of boredom.
My Lowlight: It was an incredibly long and full-on day today but at least it kept me distracted.
My Highlight: Phew – The main good news today is that mum is a bit better which is such a relief. Hopefully she will be as right as rain in a week or so – fingers crossed.
My Anxiety Level: Medium-High but definitely reducing as mum recovers.
Come on Day 51 – let’s be having you! That’s about as close to being Delia Smith as I get.