You wonder what is wrong with people, don’t you.Apparently a couple have complained in the Manchester Evening News that their honeymoon in Rome was ruined because of a bad landing on the way back at Manchester Airport.
The plane surged as it approached the runway.I suppose that is what you get when you travel on those cheap airlines.
There are some really awful people around in the area.I’ve been reading about a Great-grandfather in Denton who is terminally ill who was set upon and robbed on his way home from the pub.His attackers left him with two suspected broken ribs and bruises up his arms and all for a hundred quid from his wallet.He told the people on the telly that the people that did it didn’t deserve to live.
That Dutch chap at Manchester United didn’t have the best start to his new job.He lost the first match to Swansea.I Had to laugh at Match of the Day as the Welsh fans were singing ” you will get sacked in the morning.”
There have been some rumblings about a thing in the Telegraph about a map that shows Manchester is one of the worst places to live in the country.Its all down to crime, health and education apparently but as someone told me on that twitter thing
“Who did this survey anyway? A load of boring old farts who wear suits or knit cardigans & live in ivory towers #getalife”
They are going to be building some new affordable houses in Manchester over the next few years.Six hundred, although it’s probably hardly a drop in the ocean.I do feel sorry for those people who can’t afford a house.
And they are auctioning off the rail franchises in the region.We have been told that things are going to improve but I won’t believe it until they get rid of those ridiculous pacer trains that should have been pensioned off years ago.
I heard that someone called Aumbrey is popping up in the Northern Quarter.I hadn’t the faintest idea of what they were talking about but it is the latest trend.This posh restaurant in Prestwich is closing for renovations so they are opening a temporary one in the city centre.
You know it is the end of summer when It’s Pride weekend in Manchester.Our streets will be filled with people of all ages and sizes enjoying the sleeves and that band All Saints will be performing. I hope the rain keeps off for them.