Lucy Letby’s solicitors have called for the public inquiry into the events surrounding her crimes to be suspended.

They have written to Lady Justice Thirlwall this morning, requesting that the Thirlwall Inquiry be suspended

In the letter they set out 11 reasons why the evidence presented to the jury was deficient, they urged the inquiry to be paused to wait for the outcome of the Criminal Cases Review Commission”

“The combination of several compelling reports from international experts, the failure by the prosecution to properly disclose material relevant to the defence, an analysis by leading statisticians conclusively showing the jury were likely to be misled when they were told of spikes in deaths and shown an unreliable staff rota and a lead prosecution expert who has changed his position on critical factors since the trial, will show that any final report from the Inquiry or recommendations will not only be redundant but likely unreliable.”

“There is now substantial evidence that undermines all the convictions.”

Demonstrators gathered outside the inquiry in Liverpool this morning proclaiming the nurse’s innocence

Letby, 35, is serving 15 whole-life orders for murdering seven infants and attempting to murder seven others.


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