If you’re looking for moral support and guidance to give up smoking, then you could join the hundreds of others taking part in No Smoking Day on the 9th of March. 

The very first official “No Smoking Day” took place on Ash Wednesday in 1984 when local clergy in Ireland suggested ‌smokers might give up cigarettes for Lent. It now continues each year on the second Wednesday in March. When the campaign began, over 33% of adults in the UK were smokers. Luckily, that figure has slowly decreased every year to around 12% by the year 2020. With the NHS reporting that approximately 78,000 people die from a smoking-related illness every year, such as lung cancer, there’s never been a better time than to give up smoking for No Smoking Day.

Those looking to quit smoking may do so in a few different ways and ultimately, there’s no wrong way, providing it works for you.

Quit Smoking Cold Turkey

The most common method by far to stop smoking is by going cold turkey. This is great if it works for you. However, it can be one of the toughest ways to quit smoking as it means quitting smoking entirely in one go, rather than reducing your use gradually. Many people who give up cigarettes this way will experience withdrawal symptoms. Smoking withdrawal symptoms can include:

  • Feeling irritable or upset
  • Feeling jumpy
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Weight gain, due to increased appetite
  • Anxiety or depression in severe cases.

The good news is that nicotine withdrawal usually only lasts up to 4 weeks, and within that time, there are ways to manage withdrawal symptoms naturally. You might try deep breathing exercises, increasing your daily activity outdoors or chewing gum to ease withdrawal symptoms where possible.

Because smoking cessation by going cold turkey may make you feel worse at first, there is understandably a low success rate, with only 5% of people quitting fully. But those determined to quit shouldn’t feel disheartened as other methods can help you quit smoking for good.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Nicotine replacement therapy or NRT is a widely used and effective way to quit smoking over a longer period. NRT usually takes the form of nicotine patches or nicotine gum, which will contain low levels of nicotine, without the tar, carbon monoxide and other poisonous chemicals you’ll find in cigarettes.

Nicotine replacement therapy is an effective way to manage cravings and withdrawal symptoms that tobacco-dependent adults often experience. Nicotine patches release nicotine slowly and can be worn for longer stretches to wean someone off nicotine gradually. Many people will still experience sudden cravings, and for this, a gum or a spray is more fast-acting.

You may be able to get an NRT prescription by speaking to your GP or the NHS stopping smoking service, but they’re also widely available over the counter at your local pharmacy or supermarket. It’s not a one size fits all approach, and the type of NRT that works for one person, may not work for you. The good news is that nicotine replacement therapy has a success rate of 14-17%, so it’s a great way to stop smoking.


E-cigarettes, also sometimes known as a vape, are becoming more commonly recognised as an effective way to stop smoking for good. Even the NHS list them as a treatment to quit smoking.

While an e-cig will still provide a nicotine hit, they don’t contain tar or carbon monoxide and won’t produce the harmful effects of smoking cigarettes. Many people find them to be an excellent replacement for cigarettes as, like a cigarette, they give your hands something to do. Rather than leaving secondhand smoke in the air, electronic cigarettes only emit a vapour, which is not known to be harmful to non-smokers. If you’re keen to give up smoking because of secondhand smoke affecting your loved ones, an e-cig is a great option for you. 

E-cigs come in various sizes, designs and flavours and if you’ve never used one before, E-cigarette brands like VooPoo make great kits for all users, from beginners to experienced vapers. To complement all types of vapers, Voopoo has a varied product range, from devices such as Doric 20 for beginners to the Drag S/X . Perhaps the best reason to try an e-cigarette is the incredible success rate. Currently, quitting smoking while using an e-cig is 95% more successful than other methods.

If you’re ready to quit smoking cigarettes, No Smoking Day is the perfect time to stop smoking with support and guidance along the way. In fact, a 2004 study showed that over 85,000 people quit smoking completely after taking part. Whatever method you use, remember that trying something is always better than nothing at all. Each time you resist a cigarette craving, you’re a step closer to stopping smoking for good.


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