Choosing the right dining table is a very difficult decision that can make or break a home’s aesthetics. As such, it should never be taken lightly. Whether your dining table will become the centerpiece of your home’s transformation or a simple addition to the room, it needs to match the décor of your home.
What Will You Use This Table For?
Is it primarily a family dinner table? A casual brunch spot? A place to display decorative accessories? A glass top on a kitchen island? With this information, you can make informed decisions on how to choose a dining room table.
What Is Your Style?
Is your style modern, classic, minimalist, or antique? The design of your dining table should reflect the look of your home. You can even recreate a theme with the same color scheme to bring the look together. The following are some of the most common materials to consider.
The most popular material for dining tables is wood. It can be curved into almost any size or shape. Click here for Cosywood’s stylish, live-edge wooden dining tables that will surely fit in your dining area. Wooden dining tables have many advantages, including durability and ease of repair.
Glass is also a popular option for dining tables. While it may be expensive, the look of the glass is naturally elegant and modern. It gives a cool feeling to any space and can be decorated with accessories like vases or decorative plates.
Veneers are thinly-sliced wood that provides a wood finish to surfaces. Veneers are often cheaper than real wood but still look great. Click here for deep insights on how to take great care of your wooden furniture.
Metal is a popular choice for dining tables. The durability and authenticity of metal are great features, but they tend to be heavy.
Plastic is a great choice for a budget-friendly dining table. While not as sturdy and elegant as wood, it is light and easy to maintain.
A marble table is worth considering for a unique and elegant look. It can also bring a certain theme to your home’s décor.
How Many People Will Use This Space Regularly?
Is it a place where the whole family will gather together? If yes, you should look for a large, preferably rectangular, or circular dining table.
What Colour Do You Prefer?
If you are going for an all-black or white table, the chairs and other accessories must also match.
What Is the Size of the Dining Room?
Be sure to inspect the size of the dining room or the open kitchen where your dining set will reside, as it will guide you on how to pick a dining table. A small dining table in a large, open space can feel lost and empty. On the other hand, a small table in a cozy, intimate dining room will create a warm and comfortable feel.
As a general rule of thumb, ensure that you maintain a distance of three feet between the edge of your dining table set and the wall or any other furniture. This ensures that there’s plenty of space for people to walk around the table, as well as sufficient room for chairs to be moved.
What Is Your Budget?
The overall look and feel of your dining room are important, but the finances are just as crucial. Not every home will be able to afford a multi-thousand-dollar dining table. Browse the furniture section of your local department store or the internet for deals and discounts on dining tables.
What Will Be the Perfect Shape?
The shape you have in mind will also guide you on how to choose a dining table. Ask yourself if you prefer a square, round, or rectangle-shaped dining table. Rectangular, circular, or oval dining tables tend to be suitable for larger families and formal occasions, while smaller square tables work better for couples. Finding the right table shape is vital to the visual appeal of your dining room.
The size of your dining room also plays a part in choosing the shape. If your dining room is less spacious, a round dining table whose diameter ranges between 36 and 48 inches or a 36 to 44 square inch four-seater dining table will leave your dining area feeling congested.
What Is the Finish of the Room?
The finish of the entire dining area will also guide you on how to choose a dining table. Ensure that your dining table has a matching finish with the color of the walls, ceiling, and flooring.
The perfect choice of a dining table will leave your dining area looking elegant and inviting. You don’t need to get a marble or a glass table to achieve elegance; even a wooden dining table can give a modern touch to your dining room if all the other aspects are kept in mind.