The Private Health provider Spire are contact a further group of patients treated by John Bradley Williamson and review their care.

Williamson a former Spinal surgeon worked at Salford Royal hospital whose patients complained of being left with devastating results following surgery

In 2021, an inquiry was launched into the former Salford Royal Hospital consultant and his treatment of some 130 patients

It found that Williamson repeatedly exercised ‘unacceptable and unprofessional behaviour’, carried out botched surgeries, and left patients with serious blood loss

Spire has already carried out a comprehensive recall, in line with the National Quality Board’s Recall Framework, of patients who underwent specific spinal procedures by Mr Williamson between 2008-2013. Mr Williamson stopped performing surgery at Spire Manchester Hospital in 2013. The five-year period and scope of patients reviewed was in line with the patient recalls carried out by the local NHS Trusts, where Mr Williamson also practised.

Dr Cathy Cale, Spire Healthcare’s Group Medical Director, said: “We are committed to reviewing the care of all patients where concerns are raised. As we near the completion of the review of Mr Williamson’s patients who underwent certain procedures in the last five years that he performed surgery at Spire Manchester, we have concluded we should try to review all his patients that received these procedures.

“We recognise that it will be challenging to carry out a recall dating back to 1998 but we will endeavour to be as thorough as possible and to support those patients involved in the process.”

Spire is currently in the process of identifying the patients to be contacted and will then write to them. If any Spire Manchester patients have questions about the review of their care under Mr Williamson, they can email [email protected] and a member of the dedicated review team will call them back.


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