The Greater Manchester writer Michael Herbert has written a biography of the influential television scriptwriter Malcolm Hulke

Malcolm ‘Mac’ Hulke (1924 – 1979) was a successful writer for television, film, the theatre and the radio from the 1950s to the 1970s. His work included episodes for classic television series such as Pathfinders in Space, The Avengers (1963-64), Crossroads, Danger Man, The Protectors, Sergeant Cork, and Doctor Who for which he wrote eight serials between 1967 and 1974. He lived at 45 Parliament hill, Hamsptead from 1955 until his death.

He also wrote seven Doctor Who novels and four Crossroads novels. His non- fiction work included The Writers’ Guide 1970 ; The Making of Doctor Who, co-written with his friend Terrance Dicks; and the influential handbook Writing for Television in the 1970s which brought together all his experience and expertise in his craft.

For a time Malcolm was a member of the Communist Party and his political views fed subtly into his work on occasions. In 1975 he wrote to his friend Jean Tate, ‘During all The Avengers time when the most popular baddies were Soviet spies, my baddies were capitalists. No one noticed. For seven years running I wrote subversive Doctor Who serials. No one noticed. I’ve since attacked the Right in my Writing for TV in the 70s and in six Doctor Who books. Not a comment.’

This is the first biography of Malcolm Hulke to be published and draws upon interviews with his friends, family and work colleagues; his television scripts, novels and other works; his letters to friends and family, and his MI5 file. It took Michael several years to research.

Michael Herbert is a freelance historian who lives in Greater Manchester. He studied history at the University of Manchester and has an MA in the History of the Manchester Region from Manchester Polytechnic. His previous books include: Manchester’s Radical Women 1915 to 1945 ; and M.A.L: the journalism and writing of Madeline Alberta Linford.


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