Greater Manchester Police’s new specialist team, embedded in the force’s Modern Slavery Unit last month, have begun their work proactively investigating modern slavery and supporting and safeguarding victims.
The Modern Slavery investigation team is made up of six staff members and officers, whose main aim will be to increase prosecutions of modern slavery in Greater Manchester and bring offenders to justice, by working alongside divisional officers to ensure that the highest level of evidence is secured.
The team will also analyse incoming intelligence to enhance the picture of modern slavery and human trafficking across Greater Manchester and form part of targeted operations.
Increasing awareness of what modern slavery is, and what signs to look out for, is also a top priority for the team, allowing them to call on the public for help identifying vulnerable people who are being exploited.
Detective Chief Inspector Claire McGuire, of GMP’s Modern Slavery Coordination Unit, said: “Modern slavery is an atrocious and cruel crime, which is sadly happening around us in the communities of Greater Manchester. GMP’s priority is to identify vulnerable victims of this crime and ensure they are given the support they deserve.
“The recent HMICFRS ‘The Hidden Victim’ report highlighted GMP as one of the six forces in the UK from which 75% of submissions for modern slavery prosecutions to the CPS come from and is recognised as a leading force for our response to modern slavery and human trafficking. The new team will build on these achievements and help bring those who exploit and make a profit from the misery of others to justice, by ensuring more robust and thorough investigations.
“I hope that our dedication to tackling these offenders also sends a message to victims of modern slavery – that we support you and will take all reports seriously.”
Bev Hughes, Greater Manchester’s Deputy Mayor for Policing, Crime, Criminal Justice and Fire, said: “Modern Slavery is a despicable offence where vulnerable people are exploited and treated as commodities. We are working hard to prevent Modern Slavery in Greater Manchester and the new specialist team will enhance the pioneering work already underway in clamping down on these offences.
“The investigation team will be taking a victim-centred approach, safeguarding those who have been subjected to these offences and ensuring perpetrators are brought to justice. The team will also be working alongside partners in the voluntary and community sector, which will help to better protect our communities and utilise our enforcement powers.”
To report a suspicion or seek advice regarding modern slavery, you can contact the Modern Slavery Helpline confidentially on 08000 121 700. This is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Always call 999 in an emergency.