Greater Manchester Police have welcomed HMICFRS’ recommendations for all forces relating to vetting, misconduct and misogyny in the police service
The report which looked at eight forces across the country found Police vetting standards are not high enough and it is too easy for the wrong people to both join and stay in the police.
His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) reviewed hundreds of police vetting files and found too many cases where people should not have been allowed to join the police, including officers with criminal records or links to organised crime. It also found cases where evidence that a prospective officer may present a risk to the public was ignored.
Inspectors found examples of police officers transferring between forces despite a history of concerning intelligence, complaints or misconduct allegations.
HMICFRS said there were incidents which should have been assessed as gross misconduct that were assessed as misconduct only, or not treated as misconduct at all.
The inspectorate concluded that a culture of misogyny, sexism and predatory behaviour towards female police officers and staff and members of the public still exists and is even prevalent in many forces.