Travelling the world is an ambition for many people, but the motivation behind the dream is often different. Many people want to see the most famous landmarks or appreciate the best the world has to offer in terms of natural beauty. Some people want to meet new people and experience new cultures which differ from our own. Others are seeking something far more profound. Travel can be a way to discover who we are and understand what we want from life. Depending on where we go and what we encounter when we get there, these trips can even change our lives. Here are four amazing places which could change your life for the better.

Have a Spiritual Awakening at the Holi Festival, in India

If you’re looking for a spiritual experience which will open both your heart and your mind, India is the ideal destination. Each Spring, the Hindu festival of colours, Holi, takes to the streets in an explosion of rainbows. Head to the temples of Vrindavan and Mathura to get to the centre of the action and bask in the atmosphere of love, acceptance and forgiveness. The festival takes place in Hindu communities throughout the world, but there’s nothing quite like the original.

Change Physically in Turkey or Brazil

Our physical selves are often intrinsically intertwined with who we are inside. The way we feel about our bodies can impact our self-esteem, and our confidence and can even dictate our life choices in terms of opportunities not taken. Although there are often strategies we can try at home to change aspects of our appearance, sometimes we need help from the best in the medical community. For example, Brazil is renowned for being the capital of the plastic surgery world as it is home to more plastic surgeons than anywhere else and offers world-class procedures for both Brazilian and foreigners. If you’re looking for a hair transplant, Turkey can’t be equalled in terms of quality and expertise, and often the procedure is less expensive than the equivalent in the UK.

See Humanity Through History in Athens, Greece

To understand where we are and where we’re headed as a civilisation, we need to understand and appreciate what’s been before. History teaches us invaluable lessons about past events and cultures, and Athens in Greece is simply bursting with it. The city itself is like a museum of human history including the birth of democracy and the great thinkers of Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates. The ancient architecture, museums and art galleries are simply incredible, and it doesn’t hurt that you can combine your trip with exquisite restaurants, boutique hotels, and buzzing markets.

Experience the Natural World in the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

If you’re looking for a more natural experience on your travels, you will struggle to find anywhere more untouched than the Galapagos Islands of Ecuador. There are 19 islands in total, and only five are inhabited by humans. The rulers here are the exotic and often unique creatures which have lived here for millions of years. Nature is king here and witnessing the power of it will give you a whole new perspective on the world. Plan your visit to the Galapagos Islands here.


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