If you’ve never been to Spain before, you’re in for a treat! If diversity is what you’re looking for, you’d better book a few months holiday from work and begin to plan the holiday of a lifetime. The weather is far superior to anything you’ll experience in the UK, and the pace of life is completely different.
However, how much do you truly know about this country you’re planning to visit? Brits have enjoyed holidays in Spain for many years. It’s been an iconic destination for football fans, foodies, party goers and those people looking for sunshine during the winter. It’s made up of several semi-autonomous regions, each of which offers unique experiences. Before you get your guidebooks out and start booking your holidays in Spain, here are some things you might want to know.
They Don’t Speak Spanish
Yes, you’ll find many Spaniards that speak Spanish, but for the majority of them, it’s not their first language. Catalan, for example, is spoken in Barcelona. Basque is spoken in Sebastian and Bilbao, and in Galicia, they speak Galician. Other regional languages include Asturian, Leonese, and Aragonese.
It Gets a Little Hot There
If you’re coming from the UK in the height of the summer, you might find the temperatures south of Madrid a little on the warm side. They regularly peak at around 40 degrees in July and August. If you visit at this time of the year, you’ll soon get the hang of enjoying a siesta.
You Won’t See Everything in One Trip
Spain is a vast country, and you’re never going to see all of it in one trip. Not that it matters because the country and the people are sure to find a place in your heart and you’ll soon be booking another Spanish trip. The best advice is to pick a handful of places you want to visit in a particular area.
The Spanish Institution of Having a Siesta
When you first arrive, you may find it very disconcerting that everything is shut in the afternoon between 2 pm and 4 pm unless you’re in Madrid or Barcelona. The Spanish and many other Mediterranean residents love to have a siesta after lunch. If you think you’ll be able to beat the crowds and get things done when everyone is enjoying a snooze, you’d better think again! Far better to get your head down when the temperatures are soaring. You’ll have more energy for doing things in the evening.
If You Want to Eat with the Locals, do it after 9 pm
Part of being on holiday is enjoying spending time with local people. You’ve not come on holiday to sit around talking to other English people, sipping tea and eating bacon sandwiches. Spanish people like to go out late and stay out late so make sure you get a snooze in and join them after 9 pm for dinner.
There’s so much about Spain to love. It’s no wonder thousands of British people visit every year.