Police arrested 80 people wanted in connection with domestic abuse offences as part of a two-day crackdown.
Hundreds of officers took to the streets ahead of Valentine’s weekend and arrested offenders for a range of offences including rape, assault, breaching restraining orders and making threats to kill.
The operation – codenamed Olympus – saw local officers working alongside specialist units such as tactical aid unit and ANPR Intercept officers to locate culprits.
Superintendent Craig Thompson said: “These fantastic results show that we will do everything within our power to locate offenders who make their partners lives a misery.
“I am delighted that ahead of Valentine’s weekend we have been able to rescue victims from these abusers who instil fear into their partners and fill their relationships with control and violence.
“Our priority is always to protect victims and also to ensure that offenders are brought to justice before they cause any further harm.
“Taking these abusers off our streets is a huge part of what we do but we also want to stop this type of crime happening in the first place.
“I urge people to take a step back and consider the relationship they are in – if their partner is controlling, threatening or violent, it’s time to ask for help.
“Whether it is a relative, friend, charity or the police, we are here to support people to live safely and without fear.”
Domestic abuse can be emotional as well as physical and in December new legislation was introduced meaning for the first time perpetrators who control their partners through threats or restricting personal and financial freedom could face prison in the same way as those who are violent towards them.
Victims of domestic abuse are urged not to suffer in silence – call the Women’s Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0161 636 7525 or Men’s Advice Line on 0808 801 0327.