A man from Worsleyhas been inspired by his own experience of being deaf to run a marathon for a disability charity. Chris Brogan, 66, is running the TCS London Marathon on 2 October for the charity Sense who support people who are deafblind and have complex disabilities.
Chris, a retired solicitor, was born with hearing loss which has got worse as he’s got older. At 50, he began wearing hearing aids and now says he has virtually no hearing left. Chris spent his 66th birthday running his first ever marathon earlier this year, completing the Manchester Marathon in April – the day he became a pensioner. Chris caught the running bug and decided to immediately enter another marathon, this time under a charity place.
Chris is looking to complete the London Marathon in 4 hours 20 minutes and will celebrate by doing his signature headstand at the finish line.
Chris Brogan said:
“Completing the Manchester Marathon earlier this year was such a great feeling that I knew I wanted to do more. I didn’t want to run my first marathon for charity because I was unsure I would actually manage to finish it. This time around though, I decided to complete a marathon not just for myself but for the charity Sense too. I chose Sense because being deaf myself I wanted to fundraise for a charity which supports people who face communication barriers in society. I’m proud to be running for Sense and to support a charity which does such good work in the deaf and complex disabilities sector.”
Richard Kramer, Chief Executive of Sense, said:
“We’re delighted to have Chris joining us as a member of Team Sense in running the London Marathon. We look forward to cheering him on and seeing his signature headstand at the end of the race. The money Chris is raising for Sense will enable us to support more families and people living with complex disabilities.”
Chris has raised £1,435 so far for Sense. You can sponsor Chris by visiting https://www.justgiving.com/