Data and computer skills have been more and more in demand over the past few years as companies use more and more sophisticated technology in order to properly function. However, this demand hasn’t been equaled by the supply side of the equation for years.
Because of that, more and more employers and employees are losing out on their potential. With the lack of these skills, people are finding it harder to find a job or get a particular promotion, while employers are losing out on valuable positions.
But, are they really that important? As it turns out, yes it is, as many jobs now require even a modicum of data or computer skills, even if they didn’t need it before. Take even something as relatively simple as stock-taking; in past decades, this didn’t require any kind of computer skills. Now, however, it’s almost inconceivable that the job would be done without the aid of a computer.
This has expanded into almost every job in every industry on the planet, as most businesses have begun to utilise computers to their maximum potential; because of that, almost every position requires the use of a computer, even if just to a minimal extent.
At this point, the majority of young business owners and entrepreneurs in the UK have said that they believe computer skills are vital to the success of a business. However, that doesn’t just mean programming and web development; even the basics of being able to use the Microsoft Office suite could make a major difference for a business.
Because of the fact that more business owners see computer skills as vital means that it’s the turn of the workforce in order to rise up and meet these needs. After all, employers are the ones who get to lay out job requirements, and employees are the ones who have to live up to them.
But, is the UK’s workforce actually taking these demands seriously? Well, there’s a slightly complicated answer to that, as it’s somewhat of a yes and no. Older generations seem to be skipping these kinds of jobs, as they missed out on the kinds of courses that would have offered them the skills necessary, and they may not have the time to go back and get the education they need in order to get these positions.
However, younger generations are quickly becoming more and more computer literate, even in complex systems and processes. A lot of this is down to the ease and accessibility of online computer courses, as well as the fact that these kinds of positions are becoming more and more attractive.
There’s also the fact that positions with a heavy emphasis on computer and data skills are quickly becoming the most attractive positions on the market. Not only do they seem more interesting to young people, but they’re also become better paid than similar positions that aren’t computer focused.
In a recent study, it was revealed that some of the most in-demand positions in the UK have a high level of computer literacy required, with one of the biggest being in cyber-security. Add in that the likes of sales and other core business practices now lean heavily on computer skills, and the majority of positions in the UK now need a high competency with computers, if not actual computer-focused degrees.
Having said that though, even though the supply of highly computer-literate graduates is increasing, it still hasn’t managed to meet the demand that currently exists across the UK. However, that doesn’t exactly mean that people need to go back to college in order to develop the skills necessary for many of these positions.
As we’ve already alluded to above, the past few years has seen a rise in providers of computer courses and data course, the majority of which offer many of the skills needed in order to fulfill these positions. These courses can not only help people get the positions, but also skills needed to get a promotion.
They can also be great for employers, as not only do their employers get fully qualified employees, but they can also up-skill existing employees so that they also have the option to promote from within. In terms of creating the best possible version of a business, employers have a chance to teach professional development to their employees, as well as to create a culture of self improvement throughout the company.
As a recent trend, being highly computer-literate shows no signs of dying off, and both employers and employees have begun accepting this. Because of that, though, it looks as though this will be one of the driving forces behind UK businesses in the next few years, if not decades. With this rise in younger generations currently being more proficient in computer technology than previous generations, they’re definitely better placed in today’s workforce than others.