Controversial plans for the building of a workspace campus on New Islington Green has been approved by the Manchester City Council planning committee despite much opposition from local residents who wanted to keep the space as a green leisure facilty
A survey of 700 people by Alan Good, a Liberal Democrat candidate for Ancoats and Beswick found 92 per cent wanted to keep the area as a dedicated green space.
However Manchester’s Head of planning David Roscoe said that the area has never had green space status and has been earmarked for development for several years. The vision, he added was in line with wider plans to regenerate Ancoats, New Islington and east Manchester.
“In terms of the need for office space, the council has established economic recovery plan and the delivery of new infrastructure, investment and workplaces is an absolutely essential ingredient of that.” he added saying that there was a shortage of good quality office space in Manchester.
“Manchester will need jobs more than it needs anything else if you read the quite frightening unemployment figures. The proposal provides 1,200 jobs during construction jobs and many thousands once in operation.”
Jacob Loftus, founder of General Projects, the London-based developer behind the plans said that “The importance of providing best in class community focused public green space is the vital component of this project and why it sits at heart of proposals.”
Many people though spoke against it.Ancoats and Beswick councillor Emma Taylor said:
“It is my duty as a local representative to voice concerns of my residents.” adding that the green washugely valued by the surrounding community at a time when it is seen as a lifeline during the pandemic while Cllr Yasmine Yar said that “on this occasion I recognise local councillors and residents have raised concerns in regards to overdevelopment and reduction of green space.” as she said that she would be voting against it