NHS is struggling but not defeated says Boss at Manchester Conference

The NHS chief Amanda Pritchard has said the health service was ‘struggling’ but was not destroyed and that the next government needed to take...

One in four ambulance workers has witnessed a death due to delays in the...

The poll of almost 3,000 ambulance workers across the UK found that a quarter per of ambulance workers had witnessed a death due to...

New Manchester analysis reveals 18 million people have hearing loss

more holistic definition of hearing loss by The University of Manchester and University of Nottingham researchers has revealed that 18 million people are affected,...

Don’t ignore the burn: NHS launches new cancer awareness campaign in Greater Manchester

new campaign is being launched by the NHS in Greater Manchester to raise awareness of the link between heartburn, indigestion and gullet cancer. Heartburn...

Greens promise £50b NHS boost in preview of manifesto

The Green Party is promising extra spending on health and social care rising to over £50bn per year by 2030 In a manifesto preview...

New national research lab which aims to revolutionise cancer treatments to open in Manchester

CANCER survivors had a sneak preview of pioneering work at the Cancer Research UK National Biomarker Centre ahead of its official opening. The state-of-the-art facility will...

No evidence sperm counts are dropping, Manchester researchers find

The widely held view that sperm counts in men are dropping around the world may be wrong, according to a new study by University...

Report reveals widespread problems with hospital discharge.

The report, entitled: Homecare Association Expecting the Unexpected reveals widespread problems with hospital discharge. Despite guidance, funding and a national taskforce, many integrated care...

Warning on potential fatal batch of ketamine circulating in Manchester

A warning has been issued today across Manchester about a fatal batch of ketamine which is circulating around the region The warning put out across...

Immunotherapy significantly increases the number of patients free from bowel cancer

An immunotherapy drug given before surgery instead of chemotherapy meant that significantly more patients with a certain genetic profile were cancer free after surgery,...