Moston Lane redevelopment to get council go ahead

A new Moston Lane Development Framework is set to be agreed at a meeting of the Council’s executive (Weds 18 October) following positive feedback...

Cambridge and Manchester launch new cross-UK innovation cluster to boost growth

A progressive new partnership between the innovation clusters in Cambridge and Manchester aims to boost investment in both cities and across the UK. The link-up...

Greater Manchester announces mission to boost ties with Japan

Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, Leader of Manchester City Council, Bev Craig, and the Prime Minister’s Trade Envoy to Japan, Greg Clark MP...

Plans for a landscape garden inspired by Wigan’s history have been announced at the...

Plans for a landscape garden inspired by Wigan's history and the climate emergency have been announced at the heart of Haigh Hall. 'Amphitheatre for a...

Manchester flooded with illegal vapes as almost 90,000 seized since the start of 2021

The UK has been flooded with two million illegal vapes from its borders since 2022 as it struggles to hold off the illegal vaping...

“Greater Manchester Private Rent Emergency” declared by leading charities

Leading charities from across Greater Manchester have declared a “private rent emergency” in the region and have called for major changes to help protect...

GMP and partner agencies step up protection of communities, amid Hamas-Israel conflict

Greater Manchester Police and partner agencies have stepped up protection of communities, amid the Hamas-Israel conflict. Working with local authorities across Greater Manchester and...

New scheme launched to help 1,500 disabled people in Greater Manchester into work

Thousands of people with health conditions will receive new help to find work in Greater Manchester. The scheme known as the Working Well Individual...

Council looking for development partner for Wythenshawe Civic regeneration programme

Manchester Council has begun the search for a joint venture partner that will drive the ‘once-in-a-generation’ development plan for Wythenshawe town centre over the...

New affordable homes are to be built in the heart of Radcliffe

New affordable homes are to be built in the heart of Radcliffe and help drive forward the regeneration of the town centre. The brownfield site...