The myth that today is the most ‘depressing day of the year’ seems to pop up every year and say the Samaritans, we have honestly had enough of it
So, we’re spilling the tea on Blue Monday – here’s 3 big reasons why it can get in the bin
Firstly they say it was quite literally made up in 2005 to help a travel company sell holidays. There’s no scientific evidence to back it up, it’s a complete marketing gimmick.
Secondly It over simplifies the complex nature of mental health challenges and plays into unhelpful stereotypes. It risks trivialising real emotions and feelings for sales and finally they say We all have our good and bad days and they have absolutely nothing to do with a random made up day in January.
Instead they say Celebrate #BrewMonday with us instead Reach out for a cuppa and catch up with the people you care about. It’s a small but mighty way we can all look out for each oth