Lifechanging reforms to social housing become law as the Government’s new Social Housing (Regulation) Act received Royal Assent yesterday
New enforcement powers will be made available to tackle failing social housing landlords who are not pulling their weight in taking swift action to address damp, cold and unsafe homes.
Following the tragic death of Awaab Ishak in Rochdale last year, the Government also committed to introducing Awaab’s Law where all landlords must fix reported health and safety hazards within a strict timeframe.
Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities, Rt. Hon Michael Gove MP said:
“Today is an important step towards righting the wrongs of the past. Our landmark laws will drive up standards of social housing and give residents a proper voice.
The Social Housing Act will help to ensure that tenants get the safe, warm and decent homes they deserve – and those who have seriously neglected their responsibilities for far too long will face the consequences.
Awaab’s Law will force social landlords to take immediate action on dangerous damp and mould as we introduce new strict time limits to fix their homes.
I am incredibly grateful to Awaab’s family who have displayed such courage, dignity and leadership in pushing for change and securing these vital reforms.
Alongside powers to issue unlimited fines, a stronger Regulator will have greater authority to flush out rogue social landlords, with the capability to enter properties with only 48 hours’ notice and make emergency repairs where there is a serious risk to tenants.
The Act also makes changes to what activities the Regulator can charge landlords fees for, ensuring it has the resources it needs to do its job.