Terminally ill adults who are expected to die within six months would be able to request assistance to end their own life under proposed legislation for England and Wales.

Those applying would need the approval of two doctors and a judge and people with a disability or mental health issues will not be allowed to take their own life.

The person must officially confirm they wish to die on two separate occasions.

A High Court judge will then consider the application, with the power to question the doctors, patient and anyone else they feel the need to;

There would be a seven-day wait time between getting clinical sign-off, and a 14-day wait from judicial approval – unless the person’s life is expected to end sooner.

The guidance for doctors includes them being satisfied the person is eligible to end their own life, and has made the decision without being “coerced or pressured”.

It will also state that clinicians should ensure the patient is making an “informed choice” – including being made aware of other options for treatment like palliative and hospice care.

The bill will also include punishments of up to 14 years in prison for those who break the law.

This would include coercing someone into ending their own life or pressuring them to take life-ending medicine.

Labour MP Kim Leadbeater, who has put forward the bill, said it includes “the strictest safeguards anywhere in the world”.

Keir Starmer has told the media this morning that he has not made up his mind on the bill

The Prime Minister said that said “a lot will depend on the detail” of the new law, adding that “we need to get the balance right but I’ve always argued there will need to be proper safeguards in place”.


“Look, it’s going to be a free vote and I mean that. It will be for every MP to decide for themselves how they want to vote. I’m not going to be putting any pressure whatsoever on Labour MPs. They will make their own mind up, as I will be.

MP’s will get their first vote on the bill in Parliament on the 29th November


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