ARTWORK created by University of Salford students is adorning the walls of Gary Neville’s Hotel Football after the Manchester United legend asked them to think outside the box.
The tailor made pieces, which were hand chosen by the footballer along with a panel of judges, are now gracing the walls of the lobby and bar areas and will be seen by thousands of visitors to the luxury hotel next door his former Old Trafford home.
Gary came to the University last year to offer art and design students the opportunity to produce images for the hotel’s public area, urging students to think as creatively as possible and make pieces of art representing the beautiful game.

This is the second time University of Salford students has been invited to create original pieces of art for the hotel. More than 70 hand-selected pieces were put up in bedrooms, Café Football and the Stadium Suite shortly after the building opened in 2015 – while designs were also chosen to feature on T-shirts worn by staff as part of their uniform.
Speaking during his visit last year Gary Neville said: “It’s a great opportunity for the students and it’s absolutely right that we give them that opportunity. We’re looking for humour, imagination, inspiration, and artists not thinking about football in a straightforward way.”
Sam Ingleson, Associate Dean of the University’s School of Arts and Media, said: “Having your work judged by Gary Neville and put up on display at one of Greater Manchester’s most prestigious hotels is a fantastic opportunity for a young artist. This is a brilliant example of how we provide our students with real world experience of working to professional briefs.”