The Assisted Dying Bill is being brought before MP’s in the House of Commons today

The bill, being put forward by the Labour MP Kim Leadbeater has been promised legislative time by Kier Starmer if MP’s vote in favour

A debate on the bill next month will mark the first time the issue has been voted on in the Commons in almost a decade.

Leadbeater told BBC’s Newsnight that “This is potentially one of the most important changes in legislation that we will ever see in this country”

There is plenty of opposition however

The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby said that bringing forward an assisted dying bill is “dangerous” and a “slippery slope”

Palliative care doctors have written to Kim Leadbeater to express strong opposition to her Bill, saying: “It hasn’t gone unnoticed that assisted dying is financially a cheaper solution than providing holistic care to those who are dying.”

A judge and two doctors will have to agree that terminally ill patients can be helped to end their life according to reports this morning


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