A Conservative motion to annul the Government’s cuts to winter fuel paymentsto all but the poorest pensioners has been defeated by 348 votes to 228, majority 120, in the House of Commons

Fifty three Labour MP’s are thought to have abstained while one John Trickett voted against the Government, a move that may see him lose the Labour whip

Independent Age Chief Executive Joanna Elson, CBE said:

“People in later life living in financial hardship will be rightly concerned that, despite mounting public pressure about the impact on older people on the lowest incomes, the UK Government will continue with its plans to means test the Winter Fuel Payment from this year. It’s clear that making this decision now means many people in later life struggling in poverty will be forced to make dangerous cutbacks.

“The Chancellor still has time to reassess. Even with today’s vote, the UK Government can show it is listening to the concerns of older people in poverty, and delay this policy change until more older people start receiving Pension Credit. Boosting take-up is complex and will take time, the latest take-up figures show that up to 1.2 million older people could be missing out on this financial entitlement. They will already be living on a low income as they are eligible for Pension Credit, but now they will have even less money to live on this winter.

“We are also concerned about the large group of older people that just miss out on Pension Credit. Many of them are in financial hardship and do not have enough money to live well, but will still have their income cut at an already challenging time of year with energy prices on the rise.

“In the short term we hope the UK Government listens to the evidence being shared, and doesn’t means-test the Winter Fuel Payment now. Long-term there must be financial security for all of us as we age. We urge the UK Government to lead a review where all major parties come together and agree on what an adequate income in older age is, then ensure that everybody receives it so that no one lives in poverty in later life.”

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