Police working as part of Operation Venture on Farrant Road in Longsiight arrested a 15 year old boy yesterday on suspicion of possession of a bladed article and possession with intent to supply Class A drugs and remains in custody for questioning.

Officers spotted a vehicle  which had four males inside wearing balaclavas and gloves. As they loitered in the area with no real purpose, more  patrols arrived as the group fled.

With one remaining in an alley, uniformed officers approached the male before he decided to run away.

As a foot chase begun, a large kitchen knife he was holding was shown to officers and thrown to the ground, as well as a discarded Nokia phone which is believed to a ‘burner’ relating to drugs. Following a search of his body around 70 wraps were located.

PC Butler of our Operation Venture team said; “This arrest and incident is what our team is focussed on tackling robustly, to make sure we can protect our communities and prevent where possible serious violence.

“Our deployments in areas such as this is based off evidence we gather and means we can target suspected criminals in the act.

“The co-ordinated work we do across the force as a team is continuing with both high-visibility patrols and undercover officers embedding themselves within key hotspot areas.

“We would always encourage members of the public to report anything they think is suspicious or causing them concern so we can look to act on it.”


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