Forty per cent of people with cancer in the UK have used annual leave for their appointments rather than telling their employer it is for cancer treatment, according to a new survey from cancer support charity, Maggie’s.

The survey, of 100 people with cancer, was conducted by OnePoll on behalf of the charity to help understand how people with cancer can be better supported in the workplace – by employers and their colleagues.

It also found that almost a quarter of people only told their colleagues about their diagnosis once it became apparent due to treatment.

The main reasons for not telling colleagues were not wanting to be treated differently by colleagues (20%), worried it might distract colleagues and affect team productivity (20%) and wanting to keep medical condition private (20%). Ten per cent of those surveyed did not feel supported by their employers when they told them about their diagnosis.

Rebecca Webster, a 50 year old solicitor from Manchester was diagnosed with breast cancer in October 2022.

She said: “I am fortunate that I have a good relationship with my employer and I felt able to tell them about my cancer diagnosis straight away.

“I’ve had to take a year off work due to surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment and have been working on a phased return since October this year. My employers are aware that I will still need to take time for other appointments and treatment on an ongoing basis, but I think the fact that I have been open with my employer and work colleagues has allowed them to see what I’ve been going through and they have shown great understanding and compassion towards me.

“I would advise anyone thinking about going back to work after cancer treatment to really take their time, to only go back to work when they are ready and to go back on a phased return. I now work three days a week and I’m grateful for that because it takes three times longer now for me to do anything – chemotherapy and hormone treatment has come with many other side effects, which mean it is taking me longer to get out of bed and to get ready for work in the morning. I completed a Where Now? course with Maggie’s and this really supported me to prepare me to go back to work mentally and physically. 

 “Going back to work has had its upsides as well – I enjoy doing case work and I enjoy being back at my desk with other colleagues. Having other things to think about has given me a sense of normality as well. 

“My tip for anyone speaking to their employer is to be as honest as possible as once you have been off with a cancer diagnosis you become a protected person for the purposes of employment law. That means an employer cannot sack you due to your diagnosis; it would be unfair of an employer to treat you differently or change your job unless this was something you wanted them to do.”

Dame Laura Lee, Chief Executive of Maggie’s said: “Telling anyone you have cancer can be a really scary and overwhelming thing to do but telling your employers and colleagues adds another level of stress. People coming into our centres tell us that they worry about job safety, being treated differently and knowing what they can or should say about taking time off for treatment and appointments, and these are all really valid worries that our staff can help with.

“Everyone diagnosed with cancer should be aware that they have employment rights but also know that also they don’t have to tell colleagues until they’re ready, if at all.

“Our professional staff can help you figure out when the time is right to discuss your cancer, and what to say and to who. They can also advise on your rights, returning to work and financial support when you’re out of work.”


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