FILE PHOTO: A lorry driver passes a sign on the side of his vehicle advertising for jobs as he makes a delivery, in London, Britain, October 13, 2021. REUTERS/Toby Melville/File Photo

Last night before Valentine’s Day, local supporters of Animal Rebellion put up posters across Central Manchester reading slogans such as “Don’t Break Any Hearts This Valentine’s Day, Be Part Of A Plant-Based Future”, whilst also spray-painting stylised pawprints featuring hearts.

Areas the posters and paint could be seen were Market Street and around Piccadilly Gardens, including McDonalds and Burger King.

Alan Guthrie, 54, a charity worker from Tameside said:

“This Valentines Day we wanted to spread a message of love to all, including the nonhuman animals trapped in our systems of exploitation. A just and sustainable transition to a Plant Based Future is the best and quickest way for our Government to meet it’s net-zero commitments, restore the UK’s biodiversity and help struggling farmers.”
In 2018, comprehensive research from the University of Oxford showed that 76% of the land currently used for food production would be freed-up by a global transition to plant-based production

This land could be rewilded and begin carbon drawdown, mitigating the worst impacts of climate breakdown. A 2019 Harvard University report on UK farmland and food production from Helen Harwatt and Matthew N. Hayek also concluded that the UK would be carbon-negative if it completely transitioned to a plant-based food system

Animal Rebellion is urging wholesale governmental and societal support for farmers and fishing communities to transition to a plant-based food system and programme of rewilding that will secure a future for generations to come.

Other cities and towns in the UK targetted included Bristol, London, Leeds, Glasgow, Newcastle, York, Birmingham and Swansea.


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