If you’ve ever struggled a little with your finances, you’ll already be aware of all the usual suggestions for saving up some cash. Cut down on your social activities, shopping sprees, takeaway food and try to put some cash away each month on payday. You might have tried one or two of these suggestions – or even all of them – yet the saving isn’t quite cutting the mustard, and you need something a little more creative. So here are 5 unconventional ways you can boost your finances even faster.
Overhaul Your Entertainment
How do you like to relax? Perhaps it’s watching a great film or TV show, reading the latest horror novel or playing engaging video games. These activities – fun as they are – can come at a cost, but they needn’t. All it takes is a few tweaks.
Love watching television? Having Sky TV or cable is an extravagance, and an expensive one at that. Your TV bill could be coming in at over £100 each month for your TV package. Consider cutting the service and paying for Netflix or Amazon Prime instead. Around £10 per month each, these streaming services are significantly cheaper and offer high quality and extensive genres of both TV and film for all your television-based entertainment needs.
Pay for Games with Your Mobile Phone
If you enjoy playing online casino games; these can also break the bank. One alternative is mobile casinos, sites like Gold Rush Sots allow players to pay by mobile to play casino games, the advantage her is the deposit limits are low so players won’t break the bank. There are also plenty of mobile sites offering free games to new members too.
Save on Reading Material
Buying reading material to feed your bookworm habit can also be an expensive hobby. Consider purchasing a Kindle; many titles can then be downloaded for free, saving your cash in the long-term. You could also join your local library and have access to thousands of books, audiobooks and e-books for free.
Current vs Savings
It’s time to give some thought to your bank account. Perhaps you only use a current account because you don’t feel you can afford to put cash into a savings account. Start putting some cash each month into a savings account; this way, when that debit card makes an appearance for an impulsive purchase, you’ll have to think twice about transferring the money from your savings account to cover the cost. This is more likely to encourage you to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of the purchase; do you really want to make a dent in your savings balance?
Go Green & Drink Water
Soft drinks, fruit juices and other such delicious beverages do us no good; both in the form of our health and our bank accounts. Bottles of cola and bottles of water are expensive. Drink tap water; you can use a refillable water bottle daily and you can also purchase water filters if you prefer a cleaner drink. This is also a great step to help the environment.