A 59 year old Atherton man has been jailed for 25 years after being found guilty of the grooming and sexual abuse of three minors which began in the late 1990’s

Norman Williams was found guilty by a jury at Bolton Crown Court in March 2024 of 10 counts of indecent assault, 6 counts of rape, and one count of assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

Two of the victims were groomed by Williams when they were approximately 12 years old and he gave them items including cigarettes, alcohol and money.

During a four-year period which began in 1998, Williams went on to sexually abuse them at two addresses where he lived in Atherton.

A third victim was also sexually abused by Williams at his home.

Detective Constable Chris Waddicar of GMP’s Major Incident Team, said: “Firstly, I want to thank the victims in this case for coming forward and being courageous enough to allow us to conduct a thorough investigation.

“Williams’ offending was depraved – he picked on vulnerable young children who were unable to defend themselves.

“As an investigation team, we hope today’s sentencing can give them some reassurance that justice has been served and their perpetrator is locked up behind bars where he can no longer harm vulnerable members of our community.

“I would like to appeal to anyone out there who was a victim of sexual abuse to come forward to us. No matter how long ago it was, we will listen to you and we will help bring your perpetrator to justice.


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