In honour of National Fitness Day, this September, NHS Oldham Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) has teamed up with GPs from Oldham Central and Oldham Community Leisure to host their first free health and wellbeing event for local families.
From 10am-3pm, on Wednesday 20th September at the Oldham Leisure Centre, NHS Oldham ICP will be playing host to a whole range of stalls and activities – all aimed at providing families across the locality with information and tips to inspire them to stay healthy mentally and physically.
Not only will the event see over 30 stalls from organisations across Oldham coming together to provide advice on a variety of subjects including CO2 Stop Smoking, sexual health outreach, mental health services, baby weighing and breast-feeding support. As well as giving free health checks including blood pressure and diabetes.
The Leisure Centre will also be giving out free day guest passes and hosting free activities for children under five and their families to take part in – including spin, body pump, Zumba, swimming and line dancing.
Nicola Hepburn, Deputy Place Lead for NHS Oldham Integrated Care Partnership said: “We are thrilled to be able to bring this free health and wellbeing event to the families in Oldham.
“We really appreciate just how many people and organisations have been willing to give up their time and resources to make this event happen. In particular, the health professionals in Oldham Central who are attending to do in-person screenings and the Oldham Leisure Centre for providing the perfect space for this to take place and for providing all the activities and passes.
“Recent years have highlighted the importance of looking after our health – both mentally and physically. So we hope that by bringing so many experts into one place it will help and inspire local families to make their health a priority, not to mention have some fun along the way.
“I hope to see lots of people there as it’s set to be a fantastic day.”
The health and wellbeing event is taking place at the Oldham Leisure Centre on Wednesday 20th September 2023. The event is free to attend and requires no pre-booking. For more information and for a full schedule of activities visit: