News arrived back in the UK of the Antarctic Shackleton expedition in a letter home via Buenos Aires.
The twenty five on board were all well and the weather had been good on the voyage out and had not seen any enemy vessels.They were going to winter amongst the ice and were currently at South Georgia
“Every mothers son on board has a wish to be back at the war and would have gladly postponed the expedition.”
The Evening news carried a feature about the ammunition being used in the war.The German cartridge has a bullet which weighs 154 grains and leaves the rifle at 2820 ft per second while it told readers whilst the British billet weighs 215 grains and travels at 2450 ft.
The courts heard of the case of a Stockport women who was sent to jail for six months for neglecting two children.
Her husband, who had gone to the front had left the two children in her care, and she was receiving 10 shillings and nine pence per week from the authorities .The children had been discovered starving, the baby weighing 10lbs when it’s proper weight should have been 18lbs.
The Manchester Guardain announced that it would like to receive biographical details of men currently serving from the public in the case of those names appearing in the casualty lists.
The Lancashire Territorials were in action according to a report in the London Evening News with the Turkish armies attempting to cross the Suez Canal. They were beaten back by the British artillery with many taken prisoner.
A letter to the Evening News alerted the authorities to an awful stench which had for the last two or three nights permeated the atmosphere of the Clayton district.
“Everyone who passes asks what is it while holding nostrils with handkerchiefs.”
There was a large blaze at the Heaton Vale works of the premises of Messr Whitaker and Harwood in Blackley.The fire broke out in a budding used for storage of cotton dyes and rugs. The blaze was seen for miles around, the storehouse was gutted and a large quantity of yarn was destroyed before the fire was brought under control