WOMEN from Tameside’s south Asian community are starting the new year with an empowering message to support anyone experiencing domestic abuse.
Tameside Council and partner Jigsaw – which provides the Bridges Domestic abuse support service – have worked with Diversity Matters North West, community leaders and volunteers to relaunch the Take Control campaign to raise awareness of what domestic abuse is and the help that is available.
The UK government’s definition of domestic violence is ‘any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are, or have been, intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality’. This can encompass, but is not limited to, psychological, physical, sexual, financial and emotional abuse.
The Take Control campaign, running from 8 January 2024, aims to highlight that behaviours such as controlling someone’s money, where they go, what they wear or who they see is illegal and give people experiencing this abuse the confidence and information they need to take control themselves and get help.
The National Domestic abuse helpline on 0808 2000 247 provides a bilingual service 24 hours a day, seven days a week which will put callers in touch with bilingual speakers at the local Bridges service.
Bridges also has its own 24 hour helpline on 0800 328 0967 for advice, support and emergency refuge placements for all genders and all communities or visit www.tameside.gov.uk/domesticabuse. In an emergency you should always call 999.
To highlight the campaign, banners are being displayed to deliver the message right into the heart of target communities. Drop-in wellbeing sessions will be held at various local venues and posters will also be displayed in schools, mosques, local shops, and health settings.
Tameside Council Executive Member Cllr Eleanor Wills, who is responsible for population health, said: “One in three women and one in six men experience domestic abuse at some point. We know that domestic abuse is under-reported on every level – gender, age, ethnicity and sexuality – but our data shows that an even smaller proportion of referrals for help come from the local South Asian community.
“We also understand, from our work with relevant community groups and charities, that South Asian women who are abused are less likely to report it – this can be for many reasons such as fear, shame, culture, family pressure and lack of understanding that domestic abuse is illegal in the UK. We’re really grateful for the input from volunteers from our local south Asian community to help ensure the images, messages and delivery of the campaign will be meaningful and helpful to women in their peer group.
“It’s important we reach out to all our communities to ensure they are aware of the support services available for everyone.”