As you get older, you may be at a higher risk of falling, and since you most likely spend a great deal of time at home, your home is an area where you may be the most likely to fall. It is easy to go about your life at home without thinking about whether it is safe. However, there are several changes you can implement to make your house safer and more comfortable.
Consider Your Attire
Consider what you are wearing around your house. While you want to be comfortable, wearing clothing that is too baggy could present a trip hazard. The extra fabric can catch on things, causing you to stumble, and if it is too long, the extra fabric dragging on the ground could trip you up too. Instead, look for clothing that is the correct length and fits you correctly. Your footwear plays a big role in how stable you are on your feet too. Shoes that have smooth soles or that are floppy can cause you to slip, and wearing socks on hard surfaces can also cause you to slip. Instead, consider investing in a pair of sturdy shoes with non-skid soles. If wearing shoes all day is not comfortable for you, consider getting a pair of non-slip socks since these will at least have rubber grips on the bottoms.
Add a Home Lift
It is common to experience falls on stairs, especially if you are already experiencing balance problems. It’s a good idea to look for ways to avoid having to use stairs, and installing a home lift could be an ideal solution since it still allows you to use every level of your house. Because of how many options there are to choose from, it would be easy to find a domestic lift for domestic use. You can receive a free brochure, or request a call back to find out more.
Reduce Clutter
Consider which areas you frequent the most and ensure they are free of clutter going forward, such as paper, books, clothing, or shoes. Have a designated place for each item so it is easy to clean up, and ensure your walkways are clear. If you have area rugs, it’s a good idea to either remove them or secure them to the floor so they will not stick up and trip you. You can find non-slip backings for area rugs if you don’t want to remove them.
Keep the Outdoors Safe
Whether or not you spend much time outside, there are still plenty of ways of making the area safer. If there are outside steps, you should ensure they are well-lit and are not uneven. You can find outdoor non-slip grips to add to treads to make it easier to keep your balance. Remove debris, like branches or leaves, from the porch, deck, or other areas you spend time in. You can also add grab bars to these areas, so it is easier to keep your balance while walking on them, and if there is ice where you live in the winter, make sure to pretreat these areas.