More than half of Labour voters and one in four Tory voters say the row over Angela Rayner’s housing arrangements “sounds like a smear campaign”.
The poll by Labour List found more than a quarter of voters cited Rayner’s working-class background as a factor in the press attention in the story, with just over half claiming increased scrutiny of Labour as the election approaches was behind the press interest.
Meanwhile the controversy over the Greater Manchester MP’s living arrangements continues with the Telegraph reporting that it has emerged capital gains tax may be owed on another property.
“Labour’s deputy leader insists that a house she sold for a large profit in 2015 was her main residence, which, if true, means her husband, Mark Rayner, should have paid capital gains tax (CGT) on a property he sold the following year.” says the paper as
“Tax experts said the couple would have had “two bites of the cherry” if neither paid CGT when the properties were sold.”