A Trafford Park gym has been forced to close and its owner fined £1000 after being found to be running a fitness class during the current national lockdown.
Following a number of complaints from members of the public, Greater Manchester Police (GMP) visited Ace Conditioning on the Harp Trading Estate in Trafford Park and found 12 people and the business owner taking part in a group exercise session.
Trafford Council had already issued a warning to the gym owner about breaking coronavirus restrictions and is now taking formal action to ensure that the business remains closed. Enforcement officers will continue to monitor the gym and other businesses reported to be operating illegally. Trafford Council is working with businesses across the borough to assist them to trade within the current restrictions.
GMP officers spoke to people taking part in the class to remind them about the rules for gyms and fitness classes, which are in place to stop the spread of Covid-19.
Cllr Mike Freeman, Trafford Council’s Executive Member for Covid-19 Recovery and Reform, said:
“The Council’s enforcement team had worked hard to engage with the gym owner to explain the public health risks of continuing to trade, but after this latest breach we were left with no option but to take action. We do appreciate how tough things are in the current climate for some businesses and this is just the second business fine the Council has issued since the start of the pandemic, but on this occasion it was necessary. The new variant of Covid-19 spreads quickly indoors, and it is essential that this type of activity is stopped to keep infection numbers under control.
We also understand people’s need to exercise, and the clear benefits this brings for both physical and mental health during this difficult time. Trafford’s parks and green spaces remain open and we would encourage residents to make use of them to get outside once a day to keep fit and enjoy some fresh air. Our thanks go to all local businesses and residents who continue to follow the rules and do their bit to stop the spread of Covid-19.”