Rochdale MP, Tony Lloyd, is demanding protection for the secure tenancy of social housing tenants who are forced to move into temporary accommodation due to a threat of violence to them or a member of their household, and to ensure social landlords work together to identify a safe permanent home as soon as possible.
Tony said, “No-one should face homelessness because they are threatened with serious violence, yet that is exactly what happens to far too many families who are forced to make an emergency move because a member of their household is at risk.
As it stands, social housing providers have no legal duty to protect the tenancy rights of tenants who are forced to make an emergency move owing to a threat of violence. The shortage of social housing can leave families, who are already traumatised by the circumstances of their move, trapped in unsuitable and often overcrowded temporary accommodation, waiting for months or even years to be re-housed.
That’s why I’m supporting ‘Georgia’s Law’, a proposal which would ensure social landlords work together to identify a safe permanent home as soon as possible.”
Georgia’s Law would make two important changes to current housing law:
1. That secure social housing tenants (whether Council or housing associations) should have their tenancy rights protected in a situation in which they have to move because they, or a member of their household face a threat to safety with a right to be moved as quickly as possible to an alternative home on the same tenancy terms.
2. That a new statutory duty to cooperate is placed on social landlords in circumstances where a tenant needs to be rehoused outside of the area within which their current landlord holds property.